About a quarter century ago, dedicated parishioners took on the considerable work that resulted in a new St. Pius X. On April 11, 1999, we consecrated this church where for the last 22 years our community has celebrated the sacraments.
This church was built without incurring any ongoing debt. All the men and women who were associated with this project should be most proud. We must be grateful to the parish members who generously contributed towards this project and to the pastors who took the leadership of this project. The new church has remained substantially the same since it was new in 1999. It is our home; it is our faith home, and just like your home where you live, after a time you see things you want to change, improve, and update.
Two years ago, I announced that St. Pius X was considering a 'Sanctuary Renovation Project'. The pandemic compelled us to put the project on hold. However, for the last six months we have made significant progress and now we are about to begin our Capital Campaign.
I ask you to prayerfully consider joining the journey to create a more beautiful-visually engaging, inspirationally sacred worship space here at St. Pius X.
The total amount required to complete the project is approximately $800,000 (Including contingency) -- it is a large sum of money. We can do this! Actually, God can do this! As your pastor I ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this Capital Campaign - Renewing Our Sacred Space.
I hope you will join in this sacrificial commitment beyond your regular tithes and offerings. Together, our love offering and two year-long commitment will allow God's vision to be realized in our church.
Thank you for your love of our Lord Jesus and for His church, St. Pius X. With Him, ALL things are possible! Mark 10:27
Fr. Shiju Thuruthiyil OSH Pastor
Download Letter from Fr. Shiju
Sanctuary Renovation Donations
Questions and Answers
Renovation Capital Campaign Presentation
