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Catholic Vocations Commission

Vocation ... everyone is called. To what does God call you?

The Catholic Vocations Commission exists to provide opportunities for all members of St. Pius X Parish to discover and strengthen their vocation in life, their way to God.

Our Mission

The mission of the St. Pius X Vocations Committee is to promote a "culture of vocations" in our parish, a consciousness of God's call in each one's life and an eagerness to search out that call and live it to the fullest. Then, within that framework we strive to promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life, to the sacrament of Matrimony, and to the single life, as God calls each one uniquely.

Our Goals

The current goals of the Vocations Committee are as follows:

  1. to encourage prayer for vocations
  2. to educate parishioners, young and old, regarding vocations
  3. to encourage parishioners, especially parents, and grandparents, to talk with young people regarding God's call in their lives
  4. to support parishioners considering a vocation to priesthood or consecrated religious life
  5. to be an active part of diocesan, national, and world-wide efforts to support all vocations

The Four Main Vocations

The Catholic Church recognizes four main vocations: the Sacrament of Holy Orders (Priesthood and Permanent Diaconate), Consecrated Religious Life, the Sacrament of Matrimony (Marriage), and Single Life. God calls everyone to follow Him. Here is a brief outline of the four vocations through which persons answer that call.

The Sacrament of Holy Orders Priesthood (Diocesan and Religious) and Permanent Diaconate

Catholic priests are male ordained ministers of the Church. Because they give their lives in total service to the Church, priests embrace the gift of celibacy and commit to a life of prayer. They lead their faith community in worship, proclaim the Good News, teach the Catholic faith, administer the Sacraments, and work to build up their local faith community. Many will minister in a parish setting, while others may serve as chaplains to universities, hospitals, prisons, the armed forces, and other areas as needed. Diocesan priests serve under their Bishop; Religious priests serve under the direction of their Order. See Fr. Joe Freedy’s vocation story as well as some of our priests’ stories on our Diocesan website:

Permanent Deacons: The principal function of the deacon is to collaborate with the bishop and the priests in exercise of the ministry of calling all God’s people to conversion and holiness. - A deacon is “a living icon of Christ the Servant within the Church, … a minister of Word, Liturgy, and Charity in the Christian community” as noted in the National Directory’s reflection on 50 years since the establishment of the permanent diaconate in the United States.

Religious Life

Religious priests, Brothers or Sisters (nuns) commit their lives to sharing in the life and mission of their religious community. They embrace the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, and nurture their call through a life of celibacy, faith, prayer and service. Religious priests, Brothers and Sisters serve in areas such as education, health care, parish, youth ministry, care of the elderly, spirituality, pastoral ministry, social work, and many will serve as missionaries in other cultures. Some may live within a cloister and devote themselves totally to prayer. Depending on the religious Order, they may dress in lay clothes or in a religious habit.

The Sacrament of Matrimony Marriage

Married persons live a vow of faithful love to their spouse through the Sacrament of Matrimony. Husbands and wives share a self-giving, love-giving, and life-giving relationship, and are committed to helping their spouse grow to human and Christian maturity. They seek to form a family home, and together are the first teachers of their children in Catholic faith and values. Married people serve in their parish and the broader community in a variety of ways. (good videos) and Resources curated by U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are now available at sunday/marriage

A young couple talks about their call to Marriage

Single Life

Men and women called to single life believe that remaining single is their true and faithful way to live their baptismal call. Single men and women embrace the gift of celibacy while living alone, with a family, or with others who are single. They devote time and energy in service of others, and may serve in their parish community or in the Church in a variety of ways. Though uncommon in our experience, a special expression of this vocation is the Consecrated Virgin. See information on the single vocation: VDMHRS

How do you know God’s call for you?

In each vocation, men and women live lives of faith and prayer to grow in relationship with God. However, the Church recognizes no vocation as “better” than the others. The vocation to which God calls you, be it marriage, priesthood, single or consecrated religious life, is the best one for you. Yours is the one that best “fits” you, applies your gifts and talents most effectively in God’s work, and makes you happiest. Here are some resources to help you decide where God is calling you:

How Can You Participate in Vocation Ministry?

Activities of the Committee

These vary by year. Please watch the bulletin for upcoming activities and participate as you are able.

We pray this prayer daily. Will you pray it with us, for us?


Loving triune God, You sent Your Son Jesus to live among us, to bring us life, and to proclaim Your Good News to all people. He chose apostles and sent them forth to extend His message. We believe You continue to call disciples today to that same mission. We believe You have chosen them, Your humble children, to serve You and Your people on this Committee by echoing Your invitation to Your people: “Come and see,” “Come follow me,” “Go and baptize all people in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Strengthen them, Lord. Inspire them. Grace them with the love and courage of Your Holy Spirit, that they may hear and echo Your love, Your call, Your invitation. Amen.

Thank You!

Vocations Committee Coordinator
Mary Beard: (541) 882-3997

Mass Times